
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back To California

Hi Folks, just got back from California. Been battling a bad cold/flu and a bad back. Of course I had to do some exploring prior to the sicknesses and came up with a few nice shots for your view.

The view from the Amtrak window of the Suisun sloughs.
 The weather finally cleared up as I stepped out to the coast for some sun, hiking and fresh air.
This is outside the Golden Gate with a view of San Francisco in the background.

The building in the backdrop is Ft. Miley where I spent several knee operation and months on end in rehab after the Army.

I believe this is a Black Phoebe? Spotted on the beach rocks catching some sun, water and bugs.

National Park area of the Marin Headlands looking north.

This is looking south near Ft. Chronkite

Looking south towards San Francisco at Marin Headlands National Seashore.

Ft. Chronkite

This is the full moon rising over the East Bay and the San Rafael Bridge taken from atop a hill in Mill Valley, CA

I took a nice long bike ride in San Francisco Golden Gate Park and placed my seat way to low and enflamed my herniated disk in my back. No pain no gain!

Bison in Golden Gate Park San Francisco. Notice how clean, and healthy this big boy looks compared to the Yellowstone critter. No tail missing or scars for this fella.

The fountain across the plaza from the Aquarium in Golden Gate Park

This house on Divisadero Street in San Francisco sure was gaudy.

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